Respect. Unity. Determination.

Support Services
School Assessment Team
Supporting students who may need academic or behavioral interventions.
The School Assessment Team (SAT) --formerly the School Based Support Team (SBST) -- is composed of specially trained service providers. Parents or teachers may request an evaluation of a student who is having persistent learning or behavioral difficulties.
Students who are referred to our team may be evaluated in the areas of cognitive development, academic achievement, behavior, speech and language, and fine and gross motor skills. Members of the SAT assist in examining causes of learning difficulties, and in determining eligibility for special education services. If a child meets eligibility for special education services, the team assists in deciding what services will best help them succeed academically.
Students who require special education services have an Individual Education Program (IEP). The IEP will detail the child's educational program or program modifications, interests, strengths, needs, goals. Teachers and the School Assessment Team closely monitor the progress of students with IEPs.
​ Meet Our team:
Dr. Magdalena Murawska Krol, School Psychologist
Lenore David, Guidance Counselor
Tanya D’Esposito, IEP Teacher
Keisha Cox, Speech-Language Therapist
Yeva Budiyanskiy, Occupational Therapist (OT)
Karen Lewis, Physical Therapist (PT)
Alina Kruchinina, Adapted Physical Education (APE)
Camille Mangrah & Shelly Ann Nesbitt, Social Workers
For more information about DOE special education services, see their Family Guide to Special Services.
Dr. Magdalena Murawska-Krol
My name is Dr. Krol and I am the school psychologist at P.S. 233. My main role is to work with students who receive special education services. I evaluate students who are struggling academically to determine whether their difficulties are due to a disability. For students receiving special education services, I assess their appropriateness and effectiveness (whether at the request of a parent, teacher, or as mandated every three years). I work with teachers and related service providers to determine whether students’ academic needs are being met, and if any changes need to be made to their IEPs.
I respond to students who are struggling to manage their emotions. I help students and teachers understand and process difficult situations, so everyone can learn in a safe, understanding, and welcoming environment.
I also counsel students individually or in groups. We work on life skills such as conflict resolution, perspective-taking, and emotional regulation, as well as consequential thinking and planning for the future.
Feel free to contact me more information about the special education referral process and the supports we offer,

Tanya D'Esposito
My name is Tanya D’Esposito. I am the IEP Teacher at P.S. 233. I am a licensed K-12 Special Education teacher. I feel very lucky to have worked at our incredible school since 1998.
I provide reading support to 1st and 2nd grade students, English Language Learners (ELLs), and students with IEPs who are are struggling with early reading skills. I utilize the SPIRE Reading Intervention program, based on the Orton Gillingham approach to reading instruction. SPIRE is an intensive, multi-sensory reading intervention that integrates phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and handwriting. I conduct benchmark screenings at the outset of the program, and I work with groups of no more than 6 students. Generally, we meet 4 times per week in a pull-out program. I monitor student progress using DIBELS reading assessment.
Additionally, I teach students one-to-one with the Great Leaps reading program. Great Leaps offers targeted intervention to students struggling with phonics, comprehension and fluency. We meet 3-5 times per week for 15 minute sessions.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
My name is Keisha Cox, and I am the Speech Language Pathologist at P.S. 233. The purpose of speech and language therapy is to support students with their speech (e.g., articulation, fluency) and language (e.g., receptive and expressive language) difficulties in order to foster their academic growth, communication, and quality of life.
I work with students individually and in groups to target their speech and language IEP goals by providing direct and explicit therapy. I also administer speech and language screenings to determine whether recommended students warrant a full speech and language evaluation, which is dependent upon their performance. My goal is to collaborate with teachers, parents, and other related service providers to provide effective therapeutic services.

Yeva Budiyanskiy
My name is Yeva Budiyanskiy and I am the Occupational Therapist at P.S. 233. Occupational therapy is designed to maintain, improve, or restore function of students in all education-related activities, including neuro-musculoskeletal function; motor function including fine motor, oral motor, and visual motor integration; sensory and perceptual function; cognitive, and psycho-social function. Activities foster independence in daily living skills and school participation in various settings including the classroom, bathroom, cafeteria, and playground. I work with students individually in a pull-out program.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Karen Lewis
My name is Karen Lewis, and I am the Physical Therapist at PS 233. I am responsible for treating students with physical disabilities. My goal is to help students access the academic environment and participate to the maximum extent possible in educational activities. I recommend adaptive equipment and environmental accommodations.
If a teacher suspects a student is having any physical difficulties within the school environment (for example, walking up and down stairs, tripping and falling when walking or running), that student may be referred for a PT screening. We can then implement pre-referral strategies. If deemed necessary a full evaluation can be done. A parent can also submit a request if they notice that their child is having difficulties with balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. A student must have an IEP in order to receive PT services.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Jacqueline Nathan-Azueta
My name is Jacqueline Nathan-Azueta, and I am the School Social Worker at P.S. 233. I conduct social histories with parents of students who are undergoing evaluations. This includes getting important information regarding their child's developmental history. I also provide parents with information about special education procedures and laws. I assist in developing behavior plans to support students who may be struggling to manage their behavior in school. I make referrals of students and families for professional mental health services, and advocate for them to get any community resources to which they may be entitled.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

My name is Shelly Ann Nesbitt and I am the School Social Worker at P.S 233. My primary role is to provide counseling and social-emotional support to students. I also engage families in understanding how to appropriately support students with social-emotional needs, developmental milestones, and those who are struggling with behavior management. I collaborate with community agencies to provide professional development for teachers to enhance their knowledge of social-emotional and behavioral needs. I also support teachers in developing and implementing interventions to decrease classroom disruptions using practices such as crisis management, restorative justice, peer mediation, positive self-image building, positive social skills, conflict resolution, character building, and individual and group counseling. I will provide information pertaining to community resources, referrals to community-based organizations, and education about mental health and behavioral concerns. Mostly, I am here to support the PS 233 family and community!
Shelly Ann Nesbitt

“I have always believed that the single most important task we have as a nation is to make sure our young people can go as far as their dreams and hard work will take them."