Respect. Unity. Determination.
Nurse Levy
Alicia Levy, our School Nurse, offers skilled nursing services to students with documented need, case finding by review of new entrant exams, and scheduling students for physician evaluations. Referrals are sent to parents/guardians if further assessment is needed. Nurse Levy provides ongoing case management for students with identified acute and chronic health problems to confirm students are receiving their prescribed services.
Nurse Levy implements the Healthy Options and Physical Activity Program (HOP) to help children and families develop healthy lifestyles. She provides clinical assessment, health education, counseling, and referrals to available resources in the community for families of students with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 99%.
​Nurse Levy provides ongoing prevention and/or containment of communicable disease or environmental threats to our students.
Immunization Records
The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) no longer issues yellow vaccination cards to patients at its immunization clinics. Instead, patients will be given a print out of their vaccination history and the vaccines administered at the visit. The new immunization record provides more information, is clear and legible, and gives the date of next appointment and information about other vaccines that may be recommended. Parents may continue to provide immunization information to schools by using the completed new entrant examination form (CH-205), a record from the DOHMH Citywide Immunization Registry, a print out from an electronic medical record signed by a physician or nurse practitioner, or a signed yellow card.
Contact our school nurse, Alecia Levy: (718) 346-8103, Ext. 1121
Contact our health aide, Alana Williams: (718) 346-8103, Ext. 1131