Respect. Unity. Determination.
Makeba Slowe
My name is Makeba Slowe, and I am the English as a New Language (ENL) instructor at P.S. 233. I provide a supportive, research-based ENL curriculum aimed at improving my student’s English language skills. Generally, I teach my students within their regular classrooms. In this way, I can help modify classwork and assist students in meeting the expectations of their classroom teachers.
I make every effort to keep in close contact with parents and provide them with regular progress reports. All my written communications are translated in the respective languages of my students, and translators are available for those who need them.
I enrich students' ENL program with field trips, special events and performances to engage students’ language development skills--speaking, listening, reading and writing.
I also serve as a Response to Literature teacher for part of each day. In this role I develop students' understanding and appreciation for all types of literature, encouraging spoken and written responses to texts.

NYSESLAT State Testing Information
The NYSESLAT is given to all students who are identified as ELL/MLL by the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL). The purpose of the NYSESLAT is to annually assess the English language proficiency level of ELLs/MLLs enrolled in Grades K–12 in New York State schools. The test gives the state, schools, parents, and teachers important information about the English language development of ELLs/MLLs.